نحوه بدست آوردن Q در JCR | رتبه بندی مجلات بر اساس نمره Q یا Quartile Score

دسامبر 10, 2020 (0) نظر , ,

نحوه بدست آوردن Q در JCR | رتبه بندی مجلات بر اساس نمره Q یا Quartile Score

نحوه بدست آوردن Q در JCR

نحوه بدست آوردن Q در JCR | رتبه بندی مجلات بر اساس نمره Q یا Quartile Score :

برای رتبه بندی مجلات بر اساس نمره Q یا Quartile Score می توان از طریق دو پایگاه SJR و JCR اقدام کرد که بر اساس آن، مجلات به چهار گروه Q1 تا Q4 تقسیم می شوند.

همانطور که قبلا نیز گفتیم، نمره Q یا Quartile Score چیزی شبیه ضریب تاثیر در مجلات ISI می باشد. با این تفاوت که IF ممکن است از یک هزارم تا 30 ( که معمولا مجلاتی مانند Nature و science دارند) متغییر باشد ولی Quartile Score از یک تا چهار می تواند متغییر باشد. در واقع امتیاز عملکردی هر مجله در گروه موضوعی خود به شمار می رود. داشتن نمره بین Q1 الی Q4 حاکی از ارزش و جایگاه خاص آن مجله می باشد.

نمره Q یا Quartile Score و یا چارک را می توان از دو پایگاه SJR و JCR بدست آورد. در بخش قبلی در خصوص نحوه بدست آوردن چارک یا شاخص Q از طریق پایگاه SJR) Scimagojr) را توضیح داده شد که برای یادآوری بطو مختصر به آن اشاره می کنیم و در ادامه نحوه بدست آوردن شاخص Q در پایگاه JCR) Journal Scitation Report) که مجلات ISI را نمایه می کند، خواهیم پرداخت.

بدست آوردن Q برای مجلات Scopus که در پایگاه SJR) Scimagojr) نمایه می شود.

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  5. در این قسمت لیستی از مجلات موضوع مورد نظر به تفکیک چارک ها یا Q ها به ترتیب از Q1 تا Q4 مشاهده می شود.
  6. عبارت Q در قسمت SJR مشخص شده است.

بدست آوردن Q برای مجلات ISI که در پایگاه JCR) Journal citation Report) نمایه می شوند.

  1. در پایگاه Web of Knowledge از تب journal citation Report در صفحه JCR در قسمت Journal by Rank می توان به دو شکل چارک ها را مشاهده نمود.
  2. برای مشاهده چارک کلی، قسمت چپ صفحه Jif Quartile کلیک کرده و در صفحه باز شده Q را کلیک نمائید.
  3.  Q1 تا Q4 را می توان با هم یا بصورت جدا مشخص نمود.
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  8. در این قسمت هم می توان Q را انتخاب نمود.

لیست مجلات نمایه شده در تامسون رویترز همراه با IF, SJR و…

No Title SJR IF H-Index Total Docs 2012 Total Docs  3Years Total Refs Total Cites 3years Citable Docs 3years Cites / Doc 2years Ref / Doc
1 Bioinformatics Q1 4,223 204 747 2.251 17.874 14.933 2.160 5,38 23,93
2 Argument and Computation Q1 3,173 5 8 17 377 68 17 4,00 47,13
3 Journal of Field Robotics Q1 3,161 46 48 148 1.610 492 134 3,39 33,54
4 Journal of Informetrics Q1 3,075 26 78 172 2.242 787 158 4,80 28,74
5 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Q1 2,988 21 45 88 1.633 472 73 5,88 36,29
6 Information Sciences Q1 2,964 79 472 1.077 17.396 5.186 1.038 4,80 36,86
7 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Q1 2,377 107 266 771 10.544 2.303 762 2,91 39,64
8 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Q1 2,376 67 514 1.095 33.013 5.860 1.072 5,35 64,23
9 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering Q1 2,175 27 13 41 1.545 167 41 3,52 118,85
10 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science Q1 2,156 12 56 70 5.484 395 70 5,64 97,93
11 INFORMS Journal on Computing Q1 2,137 44 47 148 1.348 291 139 1,81 28,68
12 Journal of Computational Physics Q1 1,921 132 459 1.456 16.525 3.878 1.445 2,34 36,00
13 Computers and Geotechnics Q1 1,917 41 119 347 3.568 682 337 1,71 29,98
14 Computer Physics Communications Q1 1,875 91 275 894 8.952 3.101 881 3,05 32,55
15 International Journal of Sensor Networks Q1 1,802 6 42 76 1.117 207 76 2,72 26,60
16 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews Q1 1,718 61 158 206 8.145 907 183 4,41 51,55
17 Future Generation Computer Systems Q1 1,698 52 191 376 4.306 1.439 367 2,95 22,54
18 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Q1 1,665 131 200 533 8.266 2.638 520 4,99 41,33
19 Medical Image Analysis Q1 1,651 69 129 210 5.812 1.054 197 4,75 45,05
20 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Q1 1,605 47 111 237 3.146 619 214 2,63 28,34
21 IET Control Theory and Applications Q1 1,587 59 194 590 5.205 1.607 588 2,47 26,83
22 BMC Bioinformatics Q1 1,524 102 510 2.245 14.592 7.291 2.191 3,17 28,61
23 Computers in Human Behavior Q1 1,515 60 311 640 13.905 2.214 633 3,11 44,71
24 Applied Soft Computing Q1 1,481 46 427 815 12.318 2.816 808 3,22 28,85
25 Scientometrics Q1 1,453 57 335 658 10.620 1.518 635 2,39 31,70
26 Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Q1 1,381 59 121 331 3.628 1.040 303 2,63 29,98
27 Expert Systems with Applications Q1 1,358 73 1.386 4.163 48.021 14.048 4.105 2,99 34,65
28 Computers in Industry Q1 1,345 55 81 224 3.340 664 209 2,88 41,23
29 Computers and Structures Q1 1,305 67 166 492 5.149 1.069 482 1,88 31,02
30 Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Q1 1,305 20 23 208 655 525 202 2,51 28,48
31 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Q1 1,282 98 308 779 15.234 3.278 763 4,26 49,46
32 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Q1 1,273 54 168 441 5.388 912 431 2,08 32,07
33 Enterprise Information Systems Q1 1,247 16 19 71 883 415 68 7,40 46,47
34 Journal of Environmental Informatics Q1 1,230 11 23 66 869 183 66 3,60 37,78
35 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Q1 1,220 39 202 425 6.333 806 409 1,90 31,35
36 Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage Q1 1,186 6 17 35 593 53 33 1,68 34,88
37 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Q1 1,185 78 171 629 4.960 1.153 616 2,06 29,01
38 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification Q1 1,178 7 24 62 655 76 52 1,63 27,29
39 Soft Computing Q1 1,119 32 180 419 5.813 794 399 1,66 32,29
40 Journal of Building Performance Simulation Q1 1,113 7 16 68 485 108 65 1,48 30,31
41 Journal of Systems and Software Q1 1,088 54 232 577 8.727 1.373 554 2,43 37,62
42 Computer Standards and Interfaces Q1 1,082 33 71 244 1.556 642 234 1,84 21,92
43 Computers and Chemical Engineering Q1 1,071 79 255 653 8.638 2.039 635 2,95 33,87
44 ReCALL Q1 1,050 6 20 65 783 82 56 1,14 39,15
45 Journal of Biomedical Informatics Q1 1,010 47 120 351 4.746 1.069 336 2,80 39,55
46 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine Q1 0,955 7 15 60 171 69 40 2,08 11,40
47 Computational Geosciences Q1 0,934 28 69 145 2.487 263 137 1,79 36,04
48 Social Science Computer Review Q1 0,931 33 37 105 1.301 176 103 1,46 35,16
49 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Q1 0,931 51 168 432 5.730 1.229 425 2,68 34,11
50 Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Q1 0,922 22 29 85 1.104 236 78 3,57 38,07
51 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Q1 0,910 40 129 322 4.003 538 317 1,54 31,03
52 Journal of Mathematical Cryptology Q1 0,910 8 17 39 370 35 38 0,88 21,76
53 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Q1 0,902 16 35 131 945 129 123 0,83 27,00
54 IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine Q1 0,877 55 150 406 5.209 1.462 396 3,40 34,73
55 Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science Q1 0,876 3 7 8 711 15 7 2,14 101,57
56 Information Processing and Management Q1 0,869 58 99 178 3.199 352 175 1,52 32,31
57 IEEE Transactions on Haptics Q1 0,864 15 39 80 1.208 217 69 3,30 30,97
58 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Q2 0,829 13 28 101 1.029 239 87 2,40 36,75
59 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Q2 0,825 29 93 236 3.212 339 229 1,23 34,54
60 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Q2 0,822 63 271 676 8.931 1.003 665 1,52 32,96
61 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering Q2 0,802 38 54 155 1.963 256 143 1,64 36,35
62 Journal of Computing in Higher Education Q2 0,783 13 14 37 566 43 34 0,52 40,43
63 Journal of Cheminformatics Q2 0,777 12 38 152 1.270 325 147 1,89 33,42
64 Journal of Web Librarianship Q2 0,770 5 28 88 432 73 73 1,12 15,43
65 Parallel Computing Q2 0,755 41 39 155 1.291 346 145 2,11 33,10
66 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing Q2 0,752 22 17 68 358 60 66 1,07 21,06
67 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Q2 0,749 34 58 138 2.748 550 127 4,82 47,38
68 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Q2 0,736 27 190 226 3.368 136 184 0,55 17,73
69 ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing Q2 0,728 9 8 37 192 60 34 1,60 24,00
70 Ecological Informatics Q2 0,712 18 65 145 2.809 323 140 2,30 43,22
71 Computing in Science and Engineering Q2 0,706 34 80 229 656 387 193 1,84 8,20
72 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Q2 0,691 30 54 165 2.621 259 165 1,14 48,54
73 International Journal of Automation and Computing Q2 0,684 15 81 199 1.928 332 199 1,68 23,80
74 Networks and Heterogeneous Media Q2 0,677 12 52 110 1.115 120 107 1,00 21,44
75 Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction Q2 0,670 6 0 9 0 23 9 1,50 0,00
76 Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing Q2 0,664 56 160 457 5.319 922 410 2,01 33,24
77 Source Code for Biology and Medicine Q2 0,660 10 13 33 267 45 33 0,92 20,54
78 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Q2 0,658 46 176 332 5.016 604 323 1,92 28,50
79 International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection Q2 0,646 8 21 61 427 102 49 1,45 20,33
80 Smart Structures and Systems Q2 0,630 16 63 180 1.757 276 174 1,72 27,89
81 IET Communications Q2 0,617 34 267 704 6.136 848 694 1,18 22,98
82 International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications Q2 0,608 38 37 118 948 189 110 2,14 25,62
83 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Q2 0,607 40 70 204 2.320 527 199 2,41 33,14
84 Digital Investigation Q2 0,592 19 40 117 895 170 106 1,35 22,38
85 Queueing Systems Q2 0,579 32 54 157 1.259 120 151 0,64 23,31
86 Journal of Hydroinformatics Q2 0,574 16 72 125 2.748 166 124 1,18 38,17
87 Technology, Pedagogy and Education Q2 0,565 7 22 78 890 66 69 1,04 40,45
88 Simulation Q2 0,564 28 100 163 3.226 154 151 0,91 32,26
89 Frontiers in Neuroinformatics Q2 0,559 3 37 4 1.602 7 4 1,75 43,30
90 Computational Biology and Chemistry Q2 0,558 39 33 155 1.177 293 154 1,92 35,67
91 International Journal of Digital Earth Q2 0,532 6 38 74 1.340 99 69 1,43 35,26
92 Journal of Molecular Modeling Q2 0,504 37 532 665 24.297 1.108 649 1,75 45,67
93 Engineering with Computers Q2 0,497 26 77 121 2.330 107 104 0,91 30,26
94 Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy Q2 0,495 8 25 68 869 126 68 1,93 34,76
95 Cognitive Computation Q2 0,485 11 66 109 2.944 154 102 1,05 44,61
96 Computer Music Journal Q2 0,473 24 28 86 583 67 61 1,14 20,82
97 Computers and Concrete Q2 0,471 9 70 109 1.865 106 108 0,91 26,64
98 Molecular Informatics Q2 0,464 43 77 279 3.316 494 269 2,27 43,06
99 Health Informatics Journal Q2 0,463 15 26 74 861 105 72 1,15 33,12
100 Photogrammetric Record Q2 0,462 25 27 92 742 105 75 1,58 27,48
101 International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery Q2 0,456 22 79 178 2.270 387 178 1,99 28,73
102 International Transactions in Operational Research Q2 0,455 3 44 40 1.750 26 38 0,68 39,77
103 Match Q2 0,442 35 0 339 0 332 332 0,96 0,00
104 Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management Q2 0,438 1 8 9 157 5 8 0,63 19,63
105 Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM Q2 0,435 30 35 85 1.137 89 78 0,98 32,49
106 Engineering Computations Q2 0,435 30 45 151 1.406 225 151 1,40 31,24
107 Computers in Biology and Medicine Q2 0,434 41 138 370 5.000 617 364 1,51 36,23
108 International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Q2 0,428 24 98 245 2.516 230 243 1,09 25,67
109 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems Q2 0,427 9 20 104 565 65 103 0,56 28,25
110 International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies Q2 0,424 7 25 67 731 59 67 0,78 29,24
111 Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications Q2 0,416 27 25 72 717 47 71 0,63 28,68
112 Evolutionary Bioinformatics Q2 0,414 10 31 54 1.413 75 54 1,45 45,58
113 Computers, Materials and Continua Q2 0,414 17 71 220 2.020 176 220 0,78 28,45
114 ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology Q2 0,412 4 0 60 0 35 53 0,66 0,00
115 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering Q3 0,407 16 78 204 1.813 157 196 0,83 23,24
116 Nonlinear Biomedical Physics Q3 0,399 7 2 39 57 57 33 1,50 28,50
117 Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control Q3 0,394 10 204 619 2.855 432 619 0,70 14,00
118 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications Q3 0,386 4 18 38 422 20 37 0,54 23,44
119 International Journal of Manufacturing Research Q3 0,382 6 25 78 805 57 78 0,90 32,20
120 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications Q3 0,366 7 24 87 888 66 81 0,64 37,00
121 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction Q3 0,361 20 33 113 980 128 109 0,86 29,70
122 International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems Q3 0,359 9 16 55 771 59 51 1,14 48,19
123 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems Q3 0,349 17 33 101 924 108 96 1,21 28,00
124 Computer Applications in Engineering Education Q3 0,342 15 96 269 2.356 133 209 0,45 24,54
125 Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences Q3 0,342 4 9 46 217 25 38 0,56 24,11
126 International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling Q3 0,334 7 28 49 599 28 49 0,19 21,39
127 International Journal of e-Collaboration Q3 0,333 5 17 44 715 34 44 0,90 42,06
128 International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications Q3 0,331 5 4 43 175 37 43 0,71 43,75
129 CIN – Computers Informatics Nursing Q3 0,329 29 93 236 1.998 179 222 0,84 21,48
130 Information Technology and Control Q3 0,328 5 37 75 884 72 75 0,96 23,89
131 Electronic Markets Q3 0,326 5 31 72 1.233 57 61 0,65 39,77
132 International Journal of Modern Physics C Q3 0,324 40 106 356 2.765 254 354 0,67 26,08
133 Information Technology for Development Q3 0,323 10 25 70 966 71 56 0,70 38,64
134 Mobile Information Systems Q3 0,323 9 21 60 675 128 55 2,83 32,14
135 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research Q3 0,316 11 29 76 1.254 71 67 1,24 43,24
136 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology Q3 0,309 8 0 1 0 6 1 0,00 0,00
137 Informatics in Education Q3 0,306 6 16 57 435 41 57 0,54 27,19
138 Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology Q3 0,300 9 180 551 1.989 195 551 0,30 11,05
139 International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management Q3 0,299 6 21 53 494 38 53 0,41 23,52
140 International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control Q3 0,297 10 53 190 1.054 114 188 0,60 19,89
141 Organised Sound Q3 0,297 5 31 98 806 36 87 0,32 26,00
142 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools Q3 0,294 13 60 143 2.105 76 133 0,48 35,08
143 Egyptian Informatics Journal Q3 0,294 4 26 34 561 22 34 0,65 21,58
144 International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology Q3 0,293 15 113 290 2.352 197 290 0,61 20,81
145 Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Q3 0,291 22 18 45 1.160 32 45 0,68 64,44
146 International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations Q3 0,289 5 19 77 926 35 67 0,43 48,74
147 Journal of Modern Transportation Q3 0,288 3 40 37 702 20 37 0,54 17,55
148 Journal of Control Theory and Applications Q3 0,284 10 83 242 1.749 209 236 0,98 21,07
149 International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control Q3 0,277 13 116 372 2.588 379 372 1,13 22,31
150 Electronic Government Q3 0,269 15 22 58 1.067 72 58 1,24 48,50
151 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology Q3 0,269 7 11 25 522 23 25 0,77 47,45
152 WSEAS Transactions on Systems Q3 0,266 12 66 266 1.827 136 266 0,50 27,68
153 International Journal of Knowledge Management Q3 0,266 6 17 54 967 33 53 0,53 56,88
154 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce Q3 0,264 5 58 148 1.939 77 137 0,41 33,43
155 International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems Q3 0,263 3 0 15 0 10 15 0,25 0,00
156 Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry Q3 0,261 5 4 29 135 18 26 0,75 33,75
157 Advances in Bioinformatics Q3 0,259 3 22 33 817 18 32 0,56 37,14
158 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications Q3 0,258 5 24 79 587 52 71 0,53 24,46
159 Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University Q3 0,249 9 268 844 3.498 252 844 0,31 13,05
160 Earth Science Informatics Q3 0,245 5 17 75 449 48 69 0,55 26,41
161 COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Q3 0,244 16 120 375 2.021 190 374 0,44 16,84
162 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology Q3 0,242 4 14 65 274 18 62 0,23 19,57
163 Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics Q3 0,241 8 133 400 2.144 182 400 0,48 16,12
164 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology Q3 0,234 3 15 29 700 29 29 1,00 46,67
165 Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics Q3 0,230 7 58 134 1.564 97 131 0,70 26,97
166 International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing Q3 0,230 4 31 55 838 34 54 0,63 27,03
167 Australian Educational Computing Q3 0,226 4 9 30 195 8 25 0,47 21,67
168 Eurasip Journal on Information Security Q3 0,218 8 2 26 118 17 24 0,60 59,00
169 Information Security Journal Q3 0,218 3 32 70 780 33 69 0,48 24,38
170 International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications Q3 0,215 3 22 44 524 33 44 0,75 23,82
171 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Q3 0,209 4 73 73 1.613 29 72 0,37 22,10
172 Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural Q4 0,209 2 45 70 752 19 70 0,27 16,71
173 Computers in Entertainment Q4 0,208 16 5 97 229 71 89 0,73 45,80
174 Leonardo Q4 0,206 10 101 246 1.446 46 211 0,20 14,32
175 Trends in Bioinformatics Q4 0,198 2 4 7 128 8 7 1,14 32,00
176 Pollack Periodica Q4 0,196 5 61 125 753 48 122 0,42 12,34
177 International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research Q4 0,191 3 9 34 445 14 31 0,43 49,44
178 Transport and Telecommunication Q4 0,188 2 26 76 529 18 76 0,24 20,35
179 Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society Q4 0,187 4 35 107 678 28 92 0,29 19,37
180 Computer Fraud and Security Q4 0,187 9 60 211 183 31 178 0,15 3,05
181 International Journal of e-Business Research Q4 0,186 7 17 58 815 34 56 0,26 47,94
182 Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences Q4 0,185 5 105 71 1.942 42 71 0,59 18,50
183 International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning Q4 0,179 3 23 46 912 23 46 0,50 39,65
184 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Q4 0,179 11 625 1.193 5.294 399 789 1,17 8,47
185 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research Q4 0,179 6 107 131 2.864 56 131 0,54 26,77
186 International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development Q4 0,178 2 19 14 824 7 14 0,50 43,37
187 International Journal of Architectural Computing Q4 0,173 2 37 29 722 9 25 0,36 19,51
188 Journal on Chain and Network Science Q4 0,170 12 21 50 1.145 19 49 0,22 54,52
189 International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing Q4 0,168 6 26 51 615 20 51 0,39 23,65
190 Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences Q4 0,166 3 15 54 300 10 49 0,19 20,00
191 International Journal of Arts and Technology Q4 0,164 6 15 74 465 22 74 0,31 31,00
192 International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation Q4 0,156 2 20 24 652 12 24 0,50 32,60
193 International Journal of Value Chain Management Q4 0,155 5 17 54 920 16 54 0,32 54,12
194 TripleC Q4 0,155 3 49 81 2.978 28 81 0,35 60,78
195 International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics Q4 0,148 6 21 62 659 19 62 0,31 31,38
196 International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies Q4 0,147 3 10 42 594 13 42 0,33 59,40
197 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation Q4 0,144 2 1 6 187 1 5 0,00 187,00
198 International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design Q4 0,144 4 23 77 585 27 72 0,40 25,43
199 International Review of Law, Computers and Technology Q4 0,142 2 18 73 1.381 17 66 0,22 76,72
200 Journal of Control Science and Engineering Q4 0,140 6 59 50 1.272 15 50 0,31 21,56
201 Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering Q4 0,139 5 48 139 1.172 47 134 0,21 24,42
202 Annals of Library and Information Studies Q4 0,137 2 29 36 468 7 36 0,19 16,14
203 Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design Q4 0,137 4 27 7 975 4 7 1,00 36,11
204 International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies Q4 0,135 2 8 49 233 16 47 0,25 29,13
205 Leonardo Music Journal Q4 0,135 4 22 53 212 3 47 0,10 9,64
206 Advances in Soft Computing Q4 0,135 9 4.238 3.039 41.661 335 2.999 0,11 9,83
207 Information and Communications Technology Law Q4 0,134 3 16 44 705 12 41 0,40 44,06
208 Data Science Journal Q4 0,132 9 18 98 449 27 88 0,14 24,94
209 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Q4 0,129 3 17 57 331 19 57 0,33 19,47
210 Cryptologia Q4 0,129 4 30 86 428 18 82 0,23 14,27
211 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry Q4 0,126 11 59 28 1.671 8 28 0,37 28,32
212 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education Q4 0,124 4 34 81 923 10 81 0,14 27,15
213 International Journal of Information Quality Q4 0,120 1 4 10 109 2 10 0,20 27,25
214 Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series Q4 0,111 1 31 46 457 4 45 0,09 14,74
215 Infosecurity Q4 0,109 3 0 183 0 12 129 0,09 0,00
216 Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting Q4 0,109 2 0 14 0 3 14 0,20 0,00
217 Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing Q4 0,109 2 1 4 86 0 3 0,00 86,00
218 Electronic Journal of e-Learning Q4 0,108 2 38 10 1.239 3 10 0,30 32,61
219 International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies Q4 0,108 3 6 55 190 7 55 0,13 31,67
220 Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations Q4 0,106 1 0 4 0 1 4 0,25 0,00
221 International Journal of Web Portals Q4 0,104 2 20 76 683 4 62 0,05 34,15
222 Language and Computers Q4 0,102 0 47 14 1.219 0 14 0,00 25,94
223 RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series Q4 0,102 0 0 15 0 0 14 0,00 0,00
224 International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology Q4 0,101 1 34 33 773 3 33 0,09 22,74
225 TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues Q4 0,101 0 4 22 131 0 20 0,00 32,75
226 Artnodes Q4 0,101 1 11 24 165 1 21 0,06 15,00
227 International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society Q4 0,101 1 41 36 1.271 1 36 0,03 31,00
228 Computer Optics Q4 0,000 2 79 0 1.333 0 0 0,00 16,87
229 Journal of Music, Technology and Education Q4 0,000 1 33 0 851 0 0 0,00 25,79
230 New Mathematics and Natural Computation Q4 0,000 0 25 0 672 0 0 0,00 26,88
231 Technoetic Arts: a journal of speculative research Q4 0,000 1 45 0 472 0 0 0,00 10,49
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تلفن مشاوره پایان نامه : 09199631325

تلفن مشاوره مقاله : 09353132500



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